
Nourish Your Skin: Summer Tips for Hydration and Radiance

As the summer heat sets in, it's important to pay special attention to our skin's hydration needs. The combination of sun exposure, heat, and humidity can lead to dryness, sunburns, and overall skin damage. To keep your skin healthy and glowing during the summer months, here are some effective tips to ensure optimal hydration and radiance.

  1. Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water is crucial for maintaining well-hydrated skin. When you're properly hydrated, your skin cells are better able to retain moisture, keeping your skin plump and supple. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day, and increase your intake if you're spending time outdoors or engaging in physical activities.

  2. Use a Lightweight, Hydrating Moisturizer: During the summer, switch to a lightweight moisturizer that provides ample hydration without feeling heavy or greasy on the skin. Look for products that contain hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid, aloe vera, or glycerin. Applying moisturizer twice a day, after cleansing your face, will help lock in moisture and keep your skin refreshed.

  3. Sunscreen Protection: Protecting your skin from the harmful effects of the sun is crucial for maintaining hydration. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and apply it generously to all exposed areas of your body, including your face, neck, and arms. Reapply every two hours or more frequently if you're swimming or sweating.

  4. Opt for Lightweight, Breathable Fabrics: When it comes to clothing choices, opt for lightweight, breathable fabrics like cotton and linen. These materials allow better airflow to your skin, preventing excessive sweating and potential irritation. Loose-fitting clothing also helps to minimize friction and promote better skin health.

  5. Cool Showers and Baths: After spending time outdoors, treat your skin to a refreshing cool shower or bath. Avoid using hot water as it can strip away natural oils and further dehydrate your skin. Pat your skin dry gently and follow up with a moisturizer to lock in the moisture while your skin is still slightly damp.

  6. Hydrating Face Masks: Indulge in a hydrating face mask once or twice a week to give your skin an extra boost of moisture. Look for masks containing ingredients like cucumber, aloe vera, or honey, which have soothing and hydrating properties. Leave the mask on for the recommended time, then rinse off and follow up with your regular skincare routine.

With these simple yet effective tips, you can keep your skin hydrated and radiant throughout the summer season. Remember to prioritize hydration, protect your skin from the sun, and choose skincare products suitable for hot weather. By giving your skin the care it deserves, you'll enjoy a healthy, glowing complexion all summer long.

Eat, Move & Think Like A Rockstar!

Looking like a rockstar means combining a fit physique with unmatched confidence and a strong presence. Those qualities are inspiring and definitely attainable! A killer fitness routine, conscious eating and a positive mindset are key.

Follow my workout, nutrition tips and positive affirmations and you'll be well on your way to looking like a rockstar!


This high-intensity workout is designed to sculpt the entire body, improve power output and strength as well as improve coordination and balance. These moves will burn calories in a short amount of time and keep the body burning fat well after your workout.

Perform each exercise for 30 seconds as fast as possible. Rest for 15 seconds and then perform the next exercise. Once you have completed the entire routine, repeat two more times. Try to incorporate this workout into your schedule 3-4 times a week.

Kettle Bell Swings

1. Hold a kettlebell in both hands with feet hip-width apart. Draw shoulder blades together and engage the core. Slightly bend both knees and shift hips back. Your torso will come close to parallel with the ground. Keep your back straight the entire time.

2. Deeply engage your glutes to swing your hips forward and come back up to standing. The power coming from your glutes will help swing the kettlebell forward up to shoulder height. Once the kettlebell reaches shoulder height, quickly drop it back down between the legs, pushing your hips back and slightly bending the knees. Repeat the entire movement.

3. Perform as many reps as possible in 30 seconds.

Kettle Bell Squat to Press

1. Stand with feet hip-width apart. Hold kettlebell at your chest, draw your shoulder blades back and engage the core. Keep chest up the entire time. Deeply bend both knees and shift your hips back, like you're sitting in a chair. Your thighs will come close to parallel with the ground.

2. Explosively push down through both feet to come back up to standing and press the kettlebell directly overhead. Draw your shoulders away from the ears and extend your arms straight. Return to the center and repeat the movement.

3. Perform as many reps as possible in 30 seconds.

Kettle Bell Row

1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart holding the kettlebell in your right hand. Deeply bend both knees and shift your hips back until your torso is close to parallel with the ground. Strongly engage the glutes and lift your chest.

2. Bend your right elbow and lift the kettlebell up to shoulder height. Keep your elbow close to your torso. Engage the upper back and core the entire time.

3. Perform as many reps as possible for 30 seconds on each side.

Kettle Bell Press

1. Lie flat on your back, holding the kettlebell in front of your chest. Bend your knees and press your lower back into the mat. Draw your shoulder blades together and deeply engage the core. Press the kettlebell directly above the chest, extending the arms straight.

2. Lower the kettlebell down to hover over the chest at a controlled pace. Repeat the movement.

3. Perform as many reps as possible for 30 seconds.


Cut out the carbs for two weeks. Instead of eating carbs (even the healthy ones) substitute healthy fats (avocado, nuts, coconut oil) and sustainably raised protein products (like cage-free eggs, grass fed beef, etc.) instead. You will notice major changes in your body in just two weeks!

Postive Affirmations

Spend five minutes in the morning, before your day begins, sitting in a comfortable, meditative space. Begin to take deep breathes. Repeat one of these affirmations (or a chosen affirmation) each day. Say them out loud (the louder the better) and repeat as many times as you’d like. Your mindset will begin to alter and you’ll begin to feel more confident, powerful and limitless!

I am powerful beyond measure.

My actions can change the world.

I am the best person having the best day!

Love. Love. Love.

I have no limits. I am strong, beautiful and unstoppable.

Top Tips to Reduce Inflammation

Excess inflammation can cause major issues in our body and may destroy our efforts toward beautiful skin and a fit physique. Our 24-7 workweeks, lack of sleep and high stress levels can dramatically raise inflammation in the body and leave us looking and feeling completely worn out. No matter how many products we use to improve our appearance or what types of workouts we accomplish, we'll never fully look our best if we don't take care of what is going on inside the body. 

Inflammation is part of the body's immune response and it's initially beneficial in the healing process. It helps heal wounds and protects the body from environmental factors. Additionally, an inflammatory response takes place during exercise to help the body adapt. These issues come into play when we are over taxed and acute inflammation (healthy, necessary) leads to chronic inflammation (where all the problems take place).

Chronic inflammation comes about from our lifestyle. If we over exercise, over eat, get lack of sleep and live a stressful life, we most likely have excess inflammation. This alone could be sabotaging our health goals.  Thankfully, there are a number of ways to reduce and manage inflammation at a healthy level. Check out my top tips below!

Consume Ginger and Turmeric

These ancient herbs have been shown to place a significant role in lowering inflammation. I try to incorporate these ingredients into my meals as much as possible. They are great in stirfrys, roasted veggies and soups.

Fish Oil

Load up on Omega 3’s. “Scientists form Ohio State University Center for Clinical and Translational Science reported on a study in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity that the daily consumption of fish oil, omega-3 reduced both inflammation and anxiety in a group of young healthy people.” – Medical News Today

Get 8 Hours of Sleep

A good night’s rest has been stressed over and over again, but there is actually a chemical response happening inside the body that is important for reducing inflammation. “A new study in the journal Sleep shows that sleep duration is associated with changes in the levels of specific cytokines that are important in regulating inflammation. The results suggest that inflammation may be the pathway linking extreme sleep durations to an increased risk for disease.” – Science Daily

Don’t Over Exercise

I am 100% guilty of this! I always think it is better to do more than less but definitely not in this case. We have to give our body time to recover in order to see beneficial gains and reduce the inflammation that comes from exercise. Try to switch up the workouts everyday so you are not taxing the same muscles, and be sure to take days off. I know it’s hard but worth it!

Get Cold

Applying ice or sitting in cold water causes inflammation to go down. If you are applying ice, be sure to put a wrap or towel underneath to avoid ice burn. I force myself to sit in cold water for 20-minutes. It is brutal but it works wonders. 


This ancient practice has major benefits for reduces cortisol levels. Even if it's just a few minute of deep breathing, you will begin to change your overall state and significantly reduce stress. The practice of becoming present and deepening your breath calms the mind while reducing inflammation in the body. Start with 5-minutes a day and work your way up.

Hold a few yoga poses

Meditation and yoga go hand in hand. The deep breathing combined with yoga postures boosts seratonin, reduces pressure on the joints, improves confidence and lower inflammation.