
The Importance of Easing Stress and Enhancing Immunity

The way our brains react to external stressors is deeply rooted in conditioning, creating neural pathways that determine our responses to foster calmness and resilience. Our brains are remarkably adaptable, and they form neural pathways based on our experiences and responses to various stimuli. These pathways become ingrained over time, influencing how we react to stressors. 

The first step in neurosculpting serenity is identifying the stressors in your life. What situations or triggers consistently lead to stress? By recognizing these patterns, you gain awareness of the specific neural pathways that may be contributing to your stress response.

Mindfulness also plays a crucial role in neurosculpting. By being present in the moment and observing your thoughts and emotions without judgment, you create a space for conscious awareness. This awareness is the foundation for reshaping neural pathways and fostering a more deliberate response to stress.

In order to ease stress, it is important to intentionally redirect your thoughts and responses. Consciously choosing calm and positive responses to stressors can reshape neural pathways. Repetition and consistency are key. Engage in practices that promote relaxation and positive thinking regularly, reinforcing the desired changes in your brain's responses.

Additionally, incorporate mind-body techniques into your routine to enhance the neurosculpting process. Practices such as meditation, yoga, and deep breathing not only promote relaxation in the moment but also contribute to the formation of new, calming neural pathways over time.

One mindfulness practice to partake in to reduce stress is deep breathing. Deep breathing can shift the body from a stressed response to a calm and focused state. If you breathe through your nose, it allows for a greater effect on the brain and body. Nose breathing results in 10-20% higher oxygen uptake, sending nitric oxide to your lungs. This helps dilate the airways in the lungs and blood vessels, increasing immune defense. 

Nose breathing is associated with improved lung function. The natural filtration process that occurs when air passes through the nasal passages contribute to the overall health of the respiratory system. This is especially important in maintaining optimal lung function, which is essential for sustained physical well-being. By practicing optimal nose breathing you are supporting oxygen delivery to the brain, easing stress and enhancing immunity.

Travel Well: Top Tips for Healthy Trips

As someone who is constantly on the go, I understand how draining travel can be at times. Long flights, queuing in even longer lines and the still stares waiting at baggage claim are certainly not the highlights of our trips. All this stress can feel overwhelming and make you feel exhausted before you can even begin to experience the wonderful opportunities that await you on your trip. This normal stress can become even more heightened during the holiday season. Remembering all the gifts and baking enough treats to bring to your celebrations although so fun, are quite difficult to balance.

Nevertheless it is important to prioritize your health and wellness no matter how busy you become, because at the end of the day, your body is your temple and should be treated with love and respect.

Today I am sharing my 3 pillars that I utilize every time I travel, and which I have found to transform my overall traveling experience. Happy Holidays!

Pillar 1: Enhance Immunity

Increase Vitamin D

Aim for 10-15 minutes of time in the sunshine per day or take a vitamin D supplement to reach optimal levels of the essential vitamin. You can also add foods rich in vitamin D such as egg yolks, fish and grass fed beef. Vitamin D not only protects bones, but plays an important role in overall immunity. The cells in the immune system can synthesize and respond to vitamin D.

A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that low blood levels of vitamin D were associated with a doubled risk of death overall and from cardiovascular causes in women and men (average age 62) referred to a cardiac center for coronary angiography. Additionally, a study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry found a relationship between vitamin D deficiency and depression in women and men ages 65 to 95. Finally, the University of London found that daily or weekly supplementation had the greatest benefit for individuals with the most significant vitamin D deficiency (blood levels below 10 mg/dl) — cutting their risk of respiratory infection in half.

Protective Foods

Add in three powerhouse foods to your nutritional routine, whether home or away- walnuts, blueberries and olive oil. It could be a work dinner where you are asking for extra olive oil, bringing a small box of berries on the plane, or grabbing a handful of walnuts between meetings- your brain and body will reward you for these anti-inflammatory, anti-viral choices.

  • Walnuts

    • Benefit: ALA is a potent antioxidant that recycles Vitamin C and Glutathione. It plays an important role in the maintenance and repair of the central nervous system, which is responsible for controlling neural pathways. ALA also improves vascular function, which helps in the repairing process of damaged tissues and improving defense against pathogens. ALA can also neutralize and remove toxins like metal accumulation from mercury in fish (eat walnuts before the sushi dinner).
      How to Enjoy: Take a bag of walnuts with you on the plane and to snack on between meetings. I like to bring a bag of walnuts combined with dark chocolate and salted macadamia nuts, which fits easily in my purse.

  • Blueberries

    • Benefit: Flavonoids in berries activate an enzyme in the body called Enos, which increases the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain. Without this boost, the brain becomes tired as the day goes on and it may be harder to concentrate. Berries are also power-packed with protective antioxidants that reduce inflammation, neutralize the oxidative stress that causes damage to our DNA, and help protect against pathogens.
      How to Enjoy: Before heading to the airport, make a quick stop at any grocery store and buy a small box of berries. Eat as a snack on its own or add to dishes such as oatmeal.

  • Olive Oil

    • Cognitive Benefit: The brain uses 20% total intake of oxygen, which can make it vulnerable to free radicals. In order to combat the negative effects, the brain feeds off of natural antioxidants found in certain foods. These antioxidants, like the powerful polyphenols in olive oil lower inflammation. Additionally, olive oil is high in Vitamin K, which boosts the brain’s processing speed, and increases cellular turnover. Vitamin K is only stored in small amounts in our body and depletes quickly if you don’t get vitamin K in your diet regularly


  • Pretzels for nuts

  • Salad dressings for olive oil/salt

  • Candy for dark chocolate

  • Traditional sugary cocktails for tequila or vodka with citrus & club soda

Pillar 2: Accelerate Energy

A four-minute routine is sometimes all you need (and all there is time for) when getting just a few hours of sleep and having to be on a global sales call first thing in the morning. The great thing about the 4-minute workout is it actually raises metabolic rate for 24 hours after the workout. Perform this quick, 4-minute routine each morning before you start the day. You will feel much more energy, clarity and accelerate fat burning.

Productivity Planks

After sitting on a plane or having back to back meetings, the entire body can feel fatigued. Back pain typically fires up and by the end of the day, we feel burnt out. One easy and quick strategy can be integrating planks. Planks engage all the main muscle groups of the core and glutes, taking pressure off the low back and negating the effects of sitting. Any type of plank will boost energy and improve productivity. Perform the following plank series 3-4 times per day, holding each plank for 30-60 seconds.

Forearm Plank

  • Come onto your forearms with legs extended straight back. Clasp hands and bring elbows directly under the shoulders. Come up onto the balls of your feet, forming a straight line from head to heels.

  • Draw belly button toward spine. Engage quads and glutes the entire time.

Side Plank

  • Come onto your right forearm with elbow under shoulder and feet stacked. Lift hips up as high as possible, forming a straight line from head to heels.

  • Extend left arm directly over shoulder and press right hand into the mat. Keep core engaged the entire time.

Straight Arm Plank

  • Place hands under shoulders and come up onto the balls of your feet. Keep arms extended to straight and gaze toward the floor.

  • Squeeze shoulder blades together and draw belly button toward spine. Keep quads and glutes engaged the entire time.

Straight Arm Plank with Shoulder Touch

  • Place hands under shoulders and come up onto the balls of your feet. Bring feet wider than mat width. Keep arms extended to straight and gaze toward the floor.

  • Keeping hips still, bring right hand up to touch left shoulder. Return to center and bring left hand up to touch right shoulder. Continue to alternate, keeping torso and legs as still as possible.

Pillar 3: Deep Sleep

Goodnight Honey

Adding 1-2 tablespoons of honey into tea or hot water before bed allows the body to naturally repair throughout the night. The liver is responsible for regulating sleep hormones, increasing fat metabolism and lowering inflammation in the body. The liver needs glycogen in order to do this and keep stress hormones (like cortisol) at bay. Honey restocks the liver selectively without digestive burden or spiking blood sugar and forms a stable supply of liver glycogen. Honey also contributes to the release of melatonin, which is the hormone required for both the recovery and rebuilding of body tissues during rest. I like to travel with a small jar of raw honey that I can add to teas at night at the hotel or enjoy a spoonful to curb sugar cravings.

Sleep Scents

Include any of these scents before sleep. You can use any or all as essential oils (rub between palms and inhale deeply) or scented candles in the bedroom before sleep.


Researchers have found that lavender increases slow-wave sleep, instrumental for slowing heart rate and muscle relaxation—thus promoting restful sleep.


Studies have found that bergamot essential oil induces physiological changes, such as lowering heart rate and blood pressure that precede sleep.


Valerenic acid in valerian oil is known to inhibit the breakdown of the neurotransmitter GABA, which induces sleep. It works on the principles of anti-anxiety medicines and promotes deep sleep.


The anti-inflammatory nature of peppermint oil helps in clearing the airways and reduces snoring and sleep apnea symptoms.

Sleep Schedule

Aim to go to sleep and wake up at the same time as many days per week as possible. By staying consistent (even on the weekends), the body can self regulate and create the right hormone release each evening to set up for a deep sleep. A study with 1,000 people conducted by Harvard University found that the time you wake up every morning may be just as important as the time you go to bed the night before. The results showed people with a strict wake-up time reported being more content overall in every area of their lives.

Nora's Naturals Holiday Edition: Festive Cocktails with Benefits

Fa la la la la, la la la la. It is Friday and I am in a cheery mood! This holiday season has been such a blessing to me. Spending time with my family and friends, singing carols in the car and baking cookies have been filling my weekends.

In the kitchen, I have also been enjoying a variety of my holiday cocktails at happy hour. A perfect way to end my work week. All of this merriment makes me want to share this holiday deliciousness with you! Read below and watch the videos to give these holiday cocktails a try and spice up your holiday season.

Cranberry Sauced

Benefit: Immune strengthening cranberries contain high levels of vitamin C and phytonutrients to fight free radicals and lower inflammation.


  • 2 oz vodka

  • 1/2 cup club soda

  • 1/4 cup cranberries

  • 1/2 cup unsweetened cranberry juice

  • Splash of orange juice

  • 1 tbsp orange zest

  • 2 tbsp honey


  1. Combine all ingredients with 1/2 cup of ice in a shaker.

  2. Shake for 30 seconds and pour into a fun glass.

  3. Add the whole cranberries from the shaker (option to soak in vodka ahead of time).

  4. Option to add additional orange zest to the top.

Beauty Bubbles

Benefit: Beauty boosting pomegranates contain B6, potassium and polyphenols essential for cellular turnover- brightening skin and strengthening hair.


(Similar setup to Cranberry Sauced)

  • 2 oz vodka

  • 1/2 cup club soda

  • 1/4 cup pomegranate seeds

  • 1/2 cup fresh lemon squeezed

  • Splash of pomegranate juice

  • 1 tbsp lemon zest

  • 2 tbsp honey


  1. Combine all ingredients with 1/2 cup of ice in a shaker.

  2. Shake for 30 seconds and pour into a champagne glass.

  3. Add the pomegranate seeds from the shaker (option to soak in vodka ahead of time).

  4. Option to add additional lemon zest to the top.

Vacay Ready

Benefit: Fat burning fiber in the blood oranges slows down blood sugar spike and regulates digestion.


(One large batch)

  • 2 bottles of cabernet or pinot noir

  • 2 cups sliced strawberries

  • 2 cups apple juice

  • 4 cloves

  • 2 cinnamon sticks

  • 1 lemon cut into wedges

  • 1 lime


  1. Combine all ingredients in a pitcher.

  2. Let the mixture sit in the refrigerator overnight to let the flavors seep into the wine.

Irish Exit

Benefit: Energy enhancing coffee contains chlorogenic acid; an antioxidant that increases circulation and decreases insulin secretion (essential to lower insulin for weight management and sustained energy).

  • 2 oz bourbon

  • 8 oz Nora's Naturals Coffee

  • 1/4 cup heavy whipping cream

  • 1/4 cup coconut cream

  • 2 tbsp coconut sugar

  • 1 tsp cinnamon

  • 1 tsp nutmeg


  1. Combine all ingredients in a blender for 30 seconds.

  2. Serve hot.

  3. Optional: add whipped cream on top.