
Spring Skincare: Rejuvenate Your Skin After Winter

I just had the opportunity to visit my hometown of Lake Tahoe. Our Spring skiing looked like mid winter with all the amazing snow California has received this year. In addition to a full heart from being home, I also had a face full of sunscreen. The attention to protecting my skin from the harsh high altitude sun was night and day from how I approached skincare when I lived there. 

When I was growing up, the goggle tan was a sign of being cool because it meant you skied many days during the season. As a fair skin kid, I could never achieve the tan, no matter how often I was on the mountain. I decided to ride my bike in the middle of winter to a tanning booth and lay in the bed with my goggles on! Talk about embarrassing, not to mention the aging that is taking place with that damaging light. 

As a way to repair skin from the dry conditions and hydrate for a glowing Spring, I have put together a quick list of go-to’s that may be helpful for your seasons. 


  • Use a brightening cleanser to re-nourish lackluster skin and encourage cell turnover.

  • Sun damage can change the texture of your skin by decreasing its ability to lock in moisture. Using a hydrating moisturizer every day and night will help repair your skin’s moisture levels and decrease texture on the skin’s surface.

  • Hyperpigmentation is one of the most noticeable changes on the skin from sun damage. Using a corrective night serum during your skincare routine will even out your skin tone, presenting it to be smoother.


  • Sunscreen! The most effective way to protect your skin from the sun is by wearing high SPF sunscreen on your face and neck every day. You can find SPF in some moisturizers, bronzers and even foundations.

  • Avoid using chemical based products in makeup and skincare products before going out into the sun. Some commonly found chemicals can increase your risk for sun damage and cause harmful and long lasting effects such as scarring.

  • Do your research! Know what medications you are taking and if they may increase your risk for sun damage. Either avoid said medications or stay out of the sun for the time being as some damage can be irreversible.


  • The first step for ensuring a glow-y makeup look is to moisturize well. Make sure the moisturizer you use has SPF and spread it evenly on your face and neck.

  • Use liquid based products. Switching from powder to liquid based products can make all the difference when achieving a makeup glow look. Using liquid contour and blush elevate your every day look into a smooth and healthy one without the dryness of powder products.

  • Highlight! By using a liquid highlighter on the high points of your face such as the cheekbones, eyebrow ridges and nose, your face will glow all day long.