
Quick Tips to Calm the Mind and Sustain Stress Relief

Good morning from the desert! I just left the hectic pace of New York City and came to California for the week. It’s amazing how fresh air and open space can transform energy. As much as I love NYC, there are certainly moments where I feel an underlying stress, just based on the pace of the day there. I was starting to feel burnt out, and saw the signs of stress show up physically. Since stress can deeply affect hormonal function; it is natural to experience weight gain or loss, consistent fatigue or mood swings. I experienced all of the above in a short period of time. 

Whether we are in hectic urban environments or in natural places that lend themselves to a sense of relaxation, there are consistent ways to create calm. I have found these tools to be very helpful in balancing the day and lowering levels of physical and mental stress. Even just practicing one strategy below can influence the autonomic nervous system, creating healthy patterns that start to become habits.

Incorporate the 4-7-8 Breath Technique 

Any type of slow, calm breathing can relax the system and lower stress. The 4-7-8 breathing technique is a way to lengthen the exhalation, influencing the body to release tension. Inhale for a count of four, hold breath for a count of seven, exhale for a count of eight. Repeat for a couple of minutes or five rounds. 

A Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience study has shown MBSR to enhance emotion regulation in patients with anxiety disorder, creating higher levels of satisfaction and enjoyment. Additionally, a Stanford University team found that MBSR brought about changes in brain regions involved in attention, as well as relief from symptoms of anxiety.

Enjoy the Morning Light

The beneficial morning light can have a direct impact on energy throughout the day as well as the evening production of sleep hormone melatonin. By getting just 10-minutes of outdoor light (without sunglasses) the pineal gland in the brain produces serotonin (feel good hormone), and later synthesizes into melatonin (sleep hormone). This beneficial light gives us a mood boost in the morning, and then later sets us up for a restful sleep. 

Studies show that morning light may also affect the hormones leptin (the satiating hormone) and ghrelin (the hunger hormone) in ways that promote a healthy body weight. Researchers at Northwestern University found that people who got most of their bright light exposure before noon weighed a little less -- 1.4 pounds, on average -- than those exposed to most bright light in the evening. 

In one experiment, office workers who got out in the morning light for five days in a row, found it easier to make decisions and scored 79% higher on cognitive tests.

Incorporate Aromatherapy 

Certain scents have a rejuvenating effect on the system. Rosemary and lavender are two scents that lower cortisol and relieve stress. Eucalyptus has an uplifting feeling. Simply take the aromatherapy and place a couple drops in your palm. Rub the palms together and deeply breathe in. This is an easy way to shift physiology, whether at a desk, before bed or on a plane. Just don’t do what I did recently- I accidentally spilled the aromatherapy on my airplane seat. The flight attendant came down the aisle asking one person at a time who spilled the aromatherapy, then announced over the intercom. I came forward and apologized. Classic! 

There is exciting research being done on the benefits of aromatherapy- Research has demonstrated that aromatherapy, specifically lavender, can improve mood and lessen anxiety. A study published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing showed that aromatherapy helped intensive care patients to feel less anxious and more positive immediately. 

I hope these tips can help ease stress and uplift mood. Please reach out with any topics you’d like to see for the next blog. Have an amazing day!



Top Tips for Stress Relief

Our mood can be easily influenced by external stressors out of our control. The reactivity of the brain in these situations comes down to conditioning. The more we pattern the neural pathways, the easier it will be to have a calm response. You can think of these neural pathways like hiking trails- when we walk over and over again on a certain trail, the path smooths and becomes easier to experience.

When we practice thoughts and reactions (whether positive or negative) the more that becomes the default in the brain and cements that specific path. We actually have the power to influence these paths, how often we walk them. The positive patterning allows for calmer reactions to any stressful circumstance that then becomes the consistent behavior.

A comprehensive Harvard University study found meditation can actually change the structure of the brain: Eight weeks of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) was found to increase cortical thickness in the hippocampus, which governs learning and memory, and in certain areas of the brain that play roles in emotion regulation and self-referential processing.

These 10-minute meditations are led by my team member Adam Peot, Certified Meditation Coach and Yoga Instructor. Adam has a gentle way of shifting physiology, always creating a sense of ease and zero pressure in a meditation practice.





Rhythms of Renewal

What we put into our bodies is what we get out. Balancing so many responsibilities into our weekly schedules can become quite stressful which may lead us to slack in attending to our needs. Nevertheless, our bodily needs are something that should not be ignored. This week I am targeting ways to destress, relax and jump back into a solid rhythm of renewal. Go ahead and check it out!

Enhance Nutrition

When we have an injury that needs healing, the body sends pro-inflammatory cells to the injury site to keep out bacteria, virus, and infections. Inflammation should be just right for what it's sent out to fix, not too much or too little, and should go away when the job is done. Through excessive stress, environmental toxins, processed sugars and prolonged fatigue, inflammation can become chronically high and lower our immune defense.

Here are a few nutritional enhancements to lower inflammation in the body.

  • Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory. For a quick and delicious way to consume it, blend 1 tablespoon grated turmeric root or powder, ½ cup coconut milk, ½ frozen banana.  

  • Collagen regrows connective tissue and improves cellular turnover. Incorporate 1-2 scoops collagen protein powder into any smoothie or soup.  

  • Broccoli sprouts support methylation which drops inflammation and improves t-cell function. Enjoy on a salad or with any meal. 

  • Elderberry contains potent antioxidants that are essential for cellular turnover and immune defense. Enjoy elderberry tea any time of day.


Any form of mindfulness based stress reduction can alleviate anxiety, strengthen parts of the brain responsible for attention and calm the nervous system thereby reducing inflammation in the body.

My challenge to you… for five days straight perform these simple and short breathing techniques. Incorporate it at the same time daily if possible to keep consistency. You will feel a significant shift in your stress levels

Enhance Energy 

Improve Creativity 

Reduce Stress 

Prolong Focus 

Nora’s Naturals

When all else fails, sometimes a delicious cocktail or mocktail is essential at the end of a long work day! Keep it clean and stay on track by using this simple list of staples: 

Staples of Clean Cocktails: 

  • Quality Spirit: tequila, gin or vodka 

  • Clean Mixer: club soda 

  • Citrus: lime, lemon, grapefruit

  • Spices/Herbs: jalapeno, basil, mint 

  • Optional Sweetener: honey, stevia, maple syrup 

Staples of Mocktails: 

  • Clean Mixer: club soda

  • Citrus: lime, lemon, grapefruit

  • Spices/Herbs: jalapeno, basil, mint

  • Berries: muddled raspberries, blueberries, blackberries

  • Optional Sweetener: honey, stevia, maple syrup

10-Minute Meditations for Stress Relief, Deep Sleep, Sustained Concentration & Accelerated Energy

Meditation has never come easy for me. I do enjoy a variety of wellness experiences, but when it comes to sitting down and meditating, I can officially say that I have never been successful for sustained periods of time. In fact, I have had many meditations using an app where I spent half the time texting. The lovely instructor’s voice was telling me to exhale to let go, while I was holding onto the phone, rapidly replying. Needless to say, I did not experience all of the profound benefits that come with a meditation practice. I was simply just checking a box to think I completed the mental wellbeing part of my routine.

Since my futile attempts, I have learned a much more practical way of experiencing meditation. My great friend and team member, Adam Peot, is a certified Meditation Coach, Yoga Instructor and Holistic Practitioner. He has been immersed in meditation for the last twenty years, creating an accessible way to implement mindful practices for all of us in a 24-7 workweek. For this week’s blog, I will share some strategies I learned from Adam and guided meditations designed for stress relief, strengthened immunity, enhanced focus, and accelerated energy.

This brief outline of helpful practices and tips is designed to support you with incorporating meditation and mindfulness into your daily life for greater clarity, ease, focus, heath and less-stressful living. Approach these practices as free, accessible and time-tested tools for daily renewal.

Sit comfortably in a quiet place, rather than trying to copy an image in your head of how one “should” look while meditating. Find a sense of natural aligned ease that you can carry from your practice into daily living.

Your practice unfolds from interest to effort to practice, to an effortless way of being. Begin with a few minutes and lengthen as you feel comfortable. Silence is great, but some relaxing music or time in nature may help as well, so try both out. Keep it simple.

Stress Reduction

Using breath and body awareness to shift, settle, expand and ease our state,(de-stress) energy.

- from tension to ease
- from contraction to space
- from feeling scattered outwardly to centered inwardly

Sitting in a comfortable chair or lying down with eyes closed. Breath = the link and regulator of body and mind.

Smoothly, naturally and slowly breathe in a 3-2-1 inhale, pausing, and 3-2-1 exhale.

Belly to Full Body Breathing- It is common to breathe shallowly into the chest which can lead to tension and getting stuck in our busy minds. By shifting the awareness to the belly and then full body breathing the entire body-mind and nervous system can settle, expand and calm.


Energy and mind centering (vs being scattered and exhausted). Like fine tuning a telescope for closer examination and clarity, we use breath and awareness to sharpen our presence and quality of mind power.

Training the distracted “monkey mind”

- from scattered to centered
- from blurry to sharp
- from shallow to deep

Breath counting (1-10) and then breath following (without wandering off). Session by session you will tame the untrained mind and shift from being run by it, to using it as your tool and ally.

Open Presence- Sitting comfortably with eyes lightly open, focus on the clear space in front of you rather than the objects and sensations that arise. Not too tight, not too loose, you become aware of being aware. Rejuvenating Inner Stillness arises. Sensations and thoughts habitually pull your attention away, but gradually you come back to open clear lucid presence (natural awareness) and the moments of remembrance begin to outweigh the periods of forgetfulness.

In this space you have the freedom to respond rather than react.


As all of life is made up of energy, we tune in to and use our awareness and movement to center, settle and relieve the tensions that get built up. Then one can build up rejuvenating focused energy.

Dynamic Meditation- Sometimes before one is able to truly benefit from more still meditations, one has to get rid of the tensions that accumulate in body and mind. All dynamic means is to move; to dance, shake, exercise, walk; just do something physical to loosen up the stuck energy before you settle into stillness.

Chi Gathering- First rub your hands briskly together to feel the warm chi energy that energizes your body-mind. Using relaxed breathing and awareness of your body's natural energy centers (palms, soles of feet, pelvic floor) to first gather and then pull the energy from these centers into the space beneath and behind your navel.


Using calm breathing and visualization to help guide your body and energy back into homeostasis and natural well-being. Like a cut that scars and heals purely from the internal genius of our body, our entire system wants to “heal” and recover like that cut.

Lying or sitting, begin to scan your body from head to toe first visualizing and then feeling each aspect of your body aligned, pure, flowing, functioning, pain free, using neuroplasticity to rewire “as if” your body's inherent wellness is already underway.

It may be challenging at first, but in time it will become more rejuvenating and your immune system will thank you. These practices will begin to yield direct immediate results with no harmful side effects.